
And every atom of that was stolen from John Campbell.

And the War of the Worlds sound effects!

IIRC, the Falcon was converted YT-1300f cargo tug. In ROTS, a 10-second search (and I admit I am slow) turned up this image with THREE Falcon-type cargo tugs, including one in flight.

from “Dark Knight Returns” ... the full script for BvS.

Heavens to Mergatroid!

Makes perfect sense. Living for an extended period of time in an environment which a body would sense as “falling” should be expected to increase the potential for mutation. A biological panic with chromosomal changes and reduced chemical suppression of genetic expression seems like a primitive, but inevitable,

I had to diagram that comment, but I made the effort.
Wrong, but nice.

Rule 34

Pieces like this are infuriating. Star Wars is, at its heart and in its soul, a Saturday Morning Serial, a throw-away popcorn-munching action story with cardboard characters treading familiar plot trails through a bright, shiny fantasy world full of pseudo-scientific blather, magical devices and creatures, and an

When a guy who shoots people in the face (and they apologize to him), and the guys who are credited (by themselves) and “third largest political party in the US” say you’ve gone too far, you’ve gone too far.

I see what you did there.

I read that! It was (I think) in a Frederic Brown collection called “Honeymoon in Hell” and the sane astronaut catches the crazy one berating an imaginary (and incompetent) version of himself, before being locked out of the ship with the madman yelling at “him” inside the capsule.

Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you soooo much!

No no! That’s Jacked Hugeman, the stand-in.

Like, say, Danny DeVito?

Am I Groot?

Took over.
Overtook would mean that they had been chasing the meeting and managed to catch it.
Overtook is not equal to took over.
Just saying.
English is your friend. Be nice to your friend.