
Yeah, but the webs should not come out of his wrists ... like any good spider, he should have spinnerets in his posterior.

So she weighs the same as a duck? Or a very small rock?

If they would have peace, yes.
~ Sun Tzu

Say the secret woid and win a hunnert dollas.

Rogue = Undisciplined and wild


Ah, theatrical hint, unless you mean the billiards implement, which might be fun to watch.

I think you meant “Queue” = to line up.

Hey, McGirk! Where are you hiding, McGirk?

Perhaps that is why I was more forgiving of the Moff, having seen the even more angular, stiff and plastic version in the cartoon; but the grinning homunculus they made of a young Carrie Fisher was nightmare fuel.

First Wave, where a released nutcase murderer is tracking down aliens predicted in a “lost quatrain” from Nostradamus, first season was okay, but then they hired Traci Lords (at right in this picture), make the aliens just a front for a different group of aliens, and the whole thing went completely off the rails.

For me, Tarkin (“Ole Stench”) was very well done, but Leah was a whole different story ... when she turned around, I was completely taken aback; talk about uncanny valley. I spent several moments wondering if I had shouted “burn it with fire” out loud, but since no one was staring, I guess I didn’t, or else they

Can I suggest that we substitute a different word for hate speech?
“Phobia” means “fear of” and is not synonymous with “hatred of.” There is a great suffix that means “hatred of” (-misia) which would distinguish hateful behavior from legitimate psychological illnesses (ie, phobias).

The planet “BB”?
I’ll wait ‘til we find the planet “Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and sundial.”

How can we be certain that the source is actually in FRB 121102 and not merely in line with FRB 121102?
I mean, if it were a [comparatively] small object coming from that zone of space and send out much much weaker signals, it could appear the same if were much much closer, no?

Ah, the great space screw.
This is proof that Star Trek is the superior franchise; it can survive movies like this and Nemesis and still keep on ticking.

Not publicly. I wr0te it and then thought better of it.

Did you read my pre-edited post?

Does Daryl know about this?