
He’s big enough, but a little too handsome to play the brutal villain Man-Ape.

But that’s the only way Affleck could do the role convincingly.

Now playing

Catchy tune, sets up the premise, and provides a matrix for the four-act progress of the show (each panel would be replaced with a lo-rez freeze frame from the end of the act).

Wolf puppy fall down ... go BOOM!

I kind of assumed (I know) that this was idiot-speak for “conservation specialist,” but I would go with either of your alternatives. Someone chatting about, or to, a glass of water would be hilarious.

Oh! Of course! It’s an org chart.
I thought they were all forced to gaze adoringly at their alien master ... but then it is three antemeridian and I am without my specs.

Came here for this. Thanks.

So long as we get to bunk with Montana Wildhack, it can go as it chooses. And so on.

Thank you for pointing this out. A 97.6 percent chance of success would be odds I'd take to Vegas, man.

The horror!

As the owner of a weekly newspaper in a rural Georgia community, I was present for the “unveiling” of this particular homage to a local hero. Celeron, I feel your pain.

I have been out of touch for a while (mishap with a hypospray and a time portal), but is that the new Starfleet uniform? It looks terribly uncomfortable; tight and oddly revealing at the same time ...
I think she should take it off, immediately.

“Digitize him!”
Still chilling for a kids show.

Vader is also an elision of "Invader" ... so there's that.

Well, I may be mad as a hatter, but I enjoyed Elysium and thought that Chappie was brilliant.
I think Blomkamp is a wonderful director for the genre.

Don't say sled, dude.

I thought it was Bob waking up in bed with Suzanne Pleshette ... but you say “Dallas” and I say “The Bob Newhart Show.”
S’all good, man.

Agreed. It was very bad, although the Splice Girl was very interesting, most of the thing was rape-y and unscientific and pure dreck.