Perhaps we could, you know, make a big sail out of a lot of these, and then aim a really really big laser (or even a “phased array”) at the sail to push it to really high speeds aiming at another star!
What a wonderful, crazy idea!
Perhaps we could, you know, make a big sail out of a lot of these, and then aim a really really big laser (or even a “phased array”) at the sail to push it to really high speeds aiming at another star!
What a wonderful, crazy idea!
Tilda Swinton's accent was a little too much, but otherwise, I like the special effects and the overall look of the universe. I hope they tweak Swinton's voice a little. But as for "whitewashing," it's called "acting," so get over it or go back to the real world ... this is the movies.
I’ve seen a lot of knife-making videos, but none with quite this much ennui.
I do not think this word means what you think it means, unless you were bored by it all?
Followed by the Iron Giant’s sidekick.
Project Starshot: launching thousands of cheap nano-lightsail probes at Alpha Centauri on a 20-year trip powered by an Earth-based laser array.
40 years from launch before we hear anything back, if we ever do.
I will be decades dead.
I thought this was going to be “in our lifetimes.” I thought “in our lifetimes”…
Ah, I see now. I missed it earlier.
When you said I was a petty, narrow-minded bull-shitter, it was intended to be a COMPLIMENT!
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for clearing it up, sugar.
Whoopsie. My bad.
It actually did happen. I saw it. I cringed. I fell from engagement with the story.
I know you were being sarcastic. But I was responding to the literal meaning.
Better than "Bonk-bonk on head!" ?
Well that devolved pretty quickly. Did I touch a nerve, or are you always such a hair-trigger insult queen?
I ask you to bear in mind that this fellow is paid to communicate professionally:
“Obviously Arrow you know, And you know that you know, we knew.
Turns out a bullet to the brain is only a flesh wound to a Kingsman.
To each his own, said the woman as she kissed her cow.
I agree completely. I think it is just that I define a “story” as, you know, a narrative that involves a beginning, middle and end, and stuff happens along the way that entertains and enlightens us.
Plot? Sure, Walking Dead has plot out the wazoo. Stupid plot, plot that the characters as established should never enter…
I think the main reason people are upset by Walking Dead’s cliff-hanger, in a way that they weren’t over Game of Thrones’ several cliffhangers, is that Game of Thrones is story-driven while Walking Dead is character-driven.
In GoT, it is hard to find a character who is actually likeable. Even the “cute kid”…
Holy extrapolation, Batman!
This is an interesting theory, but it is being based on very few actual facts.
What we know about Lystrosaurus is based on a few fossil sites. They could have been the cause of mass extinction as much as lucky survivors. After the die-off, the four known species of Lystro spread over most of…
Did he not watch the gorram movie? He takes Baby Luke to Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, and then shuffles around the desert until “A New Hope.”
And Luke is 19 in ANH.
In his defense, The Donald thought that “penalized” had something to do with male reproductive organs and, since he firmly believes that the impregnator (the male) must have final control over the impregnatee (the female) obtaining an abortion, it was only natural that he said that abortions should be “penalized.”