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Someday, son, all this will be yours ... the strongest rocket in all Christendom!

See, when it HAD a director, it was moving TOWARD a finished film.

Came here to post this.
Soldier-boys (infantry), Water-boys (navy) and Fly-boys (air force) with the operators jacked in from secure remote sites.
Excellent novel, if not the game-changer that Forever War was.

Vick’s got a rust problem.

I have no data on the other aquifers, but the Floridan Aquifer in the SE United States is not actually endangered, except on the fringes where there is a degree of salt water incursion the source of which is entirely identifiable. However, the aquifer - perhaps the greatest natural water source on the planet - is

For Gosh sakes, people, he obviously defines himself as average height, so we should respect that. He is cis-tall, and should not be defined by his birth-height.

Your point? Look at her!
Living (ish) proof that “fame kills.”

The boiler suit is not terribly flattering, but then, both she and Harrison Ford look like they would need the relaxed fit costumes to accommodate their Depends (tm).

Coming soon, from your friends at Water&Power.

It occurs to me that the only, but truly and deeply, objectionable aspect to the ret-conning of comic characters in order to achieve diversity is that the creators are basically telling long-term fans that their investment in those characters is valueless. This is an issue.

Immediate thought:

They are zeroes made of batter, so “dough-naughts”.

I got a sunburn last weekend. Her property is the proximate and actual cause of my injury. I want to sue her for pain and suffering.
Oh, and for ruining my chocolate bar.

You know that, if not for WWII, most all of those people would be dead now.

As was probably to be expected, the posts are devolving into “favorite early race car” instead of Sports Car.
A Sports Car is not a race car. It is a production car built for fun and excitement, not competition. Thus, I would agree with Old-Busted-Hotness who noted the Stutz Bearcat. My granddad had one, and it was a

I’ll agree that this was a great sequence. The real tension and terror, the fantastic set pieces, the excellent effects (with the exception of Jon Snow’s whack-walk across the yard, which was like a text on how not to CGI a fight scene).
But I completely disagree about the meanie babies and Karsi. She (a truly likable

Re: Batman in Suicide Squad: “No capes!” (probably to be CGed in later, but still, this proves that Edna Mode was right).

Re: Sofia Coppola leaving “Little Mermaid” live-action film over “creative differences”? Have you SEEN Godfather III?

Has anyone ever seen Pluto and Eris at the same time? They are in similar TNOrbits and are nearly identical in size ... I’m calling shenanigans and suggest that Eris is just Pluto screwing around with us for de-planetizing him/her/it.

Because the post doesn’t clarify, Diamond was present with fiance’ Amanda Schutz.