
You are correct, LA Law and ST:TNG both ended in 1994, and Pulaski’s arc on TNG was before her LA Law stint (I almost typed “stink”).
I was not implying causality, or temporality, or even sequentiality ... merely that her character brightened both shows by leaving.

Those under 35 missed a lot of really bad TV. Pity them.

Batman’s villains are all alternate versions of himself (had her reacted differently to the misfortunes fate handed him), while Superman creates all of his villains (or attracts them at the very least).
Penguin is an unwanted freak, Freeze loses his beloved wife, Riddler is a bullied nerd, Joker is a betrayed street

I forget how she left the series ... transferred during the season break, perhaps?
No wait, I remember, she fell down an out-of-order turbo-lift shaft.

Deff chahjess?

Possession is 9/10ths blah blah blah.
Let them litigate for ownership, if it suits them, but the owner (whoever it is determined to be) deserves to be compensated, even if the taking is for some public good like a museum.

If they belong in a museum, then a museum should have right of first refusal to buy at a price equal to the winning bid.
Anything else is theft, whatever your justification.

What was he arrested for? Entrepreneurialism without the blessings of Ford? Blaspheming Detroit? GM-ing in public without a license?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Looks like the home of the Space Hornets.

I don’t think they were at Winterfell, they were at the Bolton stronghold of Moat Cailin. She may end up meeting Stannis there, or perhaps Brienne will, but right now she’s in Moat Cailin and even there (see how much cooler?) the servants “remember the North”.

And don’t forget that since it is a digital process, the reconstituted transportee would only be an approximation of the original. The more frequently you use the device, the more margin of error starts to creep in, so that eventually (assuming you don’t just, you know, die), you look like one of those 8-bit sprites

Och, any decent brand o’Scotch’ll do thaht.

I am offended, truly, at the existence of the penal system, which is neither effective nor efficient, but serves as a breeder reactor for criminals.

Indeed not.

Again, the topic was, “What will make future citizens think us Barbarians.”
I rest my case.

We still jail people and expect them to be rehabilitated when they are released.

I believe it is Moebius, the French cartoonist. One of his cityscapes below.

Silly. The ground level in NYC already is a den of grime and sin.

I’d just like to say, “I’m not an animal; I’m a human being.”

What can you tell me about “Windex”?