
USS Canon, Turbojet powered patrol boat and the most-decorated ship of the Vietnam War.


I thought it was supposed to be a tiger with a goiter.

Now playing

Well the toilet went crazy yesterday afternoon,

Good choices.
As a child growing up in St. Petersburg, FL (with grandparents in Bradenton), we road the Sunshine Skyway bridge over Tampa Bay a lot. I always had nightmares about it collapsing. Then:…


Just for the record, the inflatoplane (#2) was not a "combat aircraft." It was supposed to be a liferaft (lifekite?) for pilots shot down behind enemy lines.
Promo films showed it parachute-dropped to downed pilots, who would inflate it and fly off home from whatever godforsaken hellhole they had crashed in.
It's main

#s 1 and 9 are essentially the same.
Except for the smell.

Carmen Miranda lives!

Should have phrased it as a question.
Also, the answer was "What is 'Quinoa'?"

Kia: Automotive choice of laboratory rodents.

2.) Edgley Optica

How do you upscale "meat"?
When your signature component is "carne asada" or "cooked 'meat' product"?

And knowing is half the battle!

That would be 1,473 square feet (more or less), which is about 1/14th the size of the monster sign, not 1/9th.
Again, maths are fun and can prevent silly headlines.

The Alamo is about 3.5 acres in size.

That seems ... almost objectionable.

Not "robo-phobia", Metal. Robo-iumia: detestation of mechanical contrivances imposing themselves on my life and pretending to be human.
If bots and droids want to interact with me, let them do it like the soulless servitors they are, and not cozy up to me with simpering chrome imitations of an intellect.

Not "robo-phobia", Metal. Robo-iumia: detestation of mechanical contrivances imposing themselves on my life and pretending to be human.
If bots and droids want to interact with me, let them do it like the soulless servitors they are, and not cozy up to me with simpering chrome imitations of an intellect.

Ever try to have a reasoned discourse with a phone tree? Is Siri your idea of a scintillating companion?