Should have phrased it as a question.
Also, the answer was "What is 'Quinoa'?"
Should have phrased it as a question.
Also, the answer was "What is 'Quinoa'?"
Kia: Automotive choice of laboratory rodents.
2.) Edgley Optica
How do you upscale "meat"?
When your signature component is "carne asada" or "cooked 'meat' product"?
And knowing is half the battle!
That would be 1,473 square feet (more or less), which is about 1/14th the size of the monster sign, not 1/9th.
Again, maths are fun and can prevent silly headlines.
The Alamo is about 3.5 acres in size.
That seems ... almost objectionable.
Not "robo-phobia", Metal. Robo-iumia: detestation of mechanical contrivances imposing themselves on my life and pretending to be human.
If bots and droids want to interact with me, let them do it like the soulless servitors they are, and not cozy up to me with simpering chrome imitations of an intellect.
Not "robo-phobia", Metal. Robo-iumia: detestation of mechanical contrivances imposing themselves on my life and pretending to be human.
If bots and droids want to interact with me, let them do it like the soulless servitors they are, and not cozy up to me with simpering chrome imitations of an intellect.
Ever try to have a reasoned discourse with a phone tree? Is Siri your idea of a scintillating companion?
The same genetic anomaly that causes its unusual facial expression causes joint problems and neuromuscular problems. Good thing it's such a coot kittay, or it would have died long ago; its owner takes extraordinary care to ensure Grumpy Cat's well-being.
Took you three months to get it wrong, puddin?
Any coincidence that both vehicles are Canadian in origin?
As a year-round biker, I agree with your implications.
You, sir, are a visionary.
That explains the Spitfire 1500!
This came to my mind. Perhaps I am not alone?
The delicate sand spirals of the male pufferfish so impressed the artist that he carefully captured the romantic swain, filetted him, arranged his entrails with wasabi and wakame, and served him in an arrangement of dead mollusks.