
So very wrong, FYFI.

Actually, all of you "can mean 'bigness'" people ... the FIRST definition is the COMMON definition. The rest are included because misuse of the term has entered the general language, just as "grandiose" and "grandiloquent" have frequently been misused to mean merely "fancy" where the real meaning (and first

From the still at the top, I thought the commentator was being hacked on-air. Seriously, that woman has some very strange facial expressions ... looks like a stroke victim or something.

For me, it was Heinlein's "The Red Planet" when I was eight, which may have something to do with my politics these days, or not.

the best sword fights ever committed to film?

I'll save you part of the trouble ... best sword fights committed to film: Inigo Montoya v. Dread Pirate Wesley in the Princess Bride.

Bbbbut, that would mean no infinite-repeater shotguns for killing zombies!


A cloud with horns!

One must wonder how this guy keeps getting work. Perhaps he is a source of "mildly stoned" for the directors, producers and casts of the film industry? I dunno. I just wish he would get the heck out of the movies he keeps ruining.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (so someone puts the korreck informashun up there at least once).

Was Yoda in "A New Hope"?

There is only one reason Eugenics won't work, and you are completely off-base suggesting that loss of diversity (we ain't got none) or lack of an end-goal (like brains or health or longevity) or lack of capability ("we cain't even do that") is any part of that reason. Thos are mere technical questions and any

Probably not.

Sorry, that's the condom sea.

RE: "The problem is, comics are still supposed to be accessible to children (even though the large majority of the audience is now in their 20s, 30s and older), so it's difficult to explore sexuality and people's sex lives in comics!"

Knew it.

Oh, Mrs. Peel, what has time done?

What could possibly go wrong?