
No no no, you see? The Kryptonians never developed decent paint, so everything ends up with that blotchy, badly-anodized-aluminum-look.

So how sour were those grapes, Chrissy?

Brilliant selection, Charlie.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back.

On the other hand, he can't have done anything too bad to Neeson's career; that fellow survived Phatom Menace, playing tongue tag with a CGI Rastalien.

Um, can you launch rockets with the frosting? 'Cause I really want to find something to make into a rocket.

Stinkin' badger.


Concur, also, water is wet.

That's nothing ... I found some Estes C-3 engines in a box in my garage from the abortive launch of a Starlight rocket in 1972 ... and they still WORKED!


BSG/TOS. Nice.

" the political turmoil that wreaked the sport "

In 1961, Fritz Leiber wrote a short story for Playboy magazine entitled "All the Weed in the World," that explores this very premise, and consists primarily of a pharmacopia of intoxicants that had been once, but were no longer, available to the public.

I think he is aggrieved that some are intimating that he may not be fit for the high office to which he has been elected and therefore "disqualified", even though he is presently occupying one of the plush chairs in the council chambers.

But you see, these people believe the dead offspring of their invisible sky-daddy is going to come back one day. Though to be honest, he seems to be taking his sweet time about it.

"World Trailer Premier"?

Very good.

Absolutely. Imagine projecting perfect camouflage on an object, corrected for its shape.

Takeaway lesson?