It is, indeed. Watched it a couple of weeks ago on the stream. Those Motion Comics are pretty neat, and the story was great.
It is, indeed. Watched it a couple of weeks ago on the stream. Those Motion Comics are pretty neat, and the story was great.
Agreed. I'll stick with my 1911, anyway. Most people would find a single .45 bullet uncomfortable enough.
Bravo. Thank you for pointing out the obvious flaw in this design!
Parse it out; "we" "done"
Hey, I eat processed foods and plan to live forever. Either I'm stupid or I am running an experiment in Quantum Mechanics. See you trolls in the multiverse!
You mean Elizabeth R? the Virgin Queen? The queen who never married in defiance of her lords? That one?
The intrepid brave little worker bee flew farther afield than her sisters, searching for an ideal home for her newly calved hive. She flew and flew to the very limits of endurance, and found an ideal spot in a sheltered log. Returning, she danced the dance of discovery for the hive, leading her sisters and the Queen…
I've been using lemon-water as my diet drink (no sugar added, please) for decades, and it is remarkably good at making "plain old water" drinkable. I keep a jug in the fridge with an ounce of reallemon (tm) per gallon, and it not only brings zest (ahem) to my hydrating, it helps stave off scurvy.
The primary issue I have with this vision is that in attempting to modernize ERB, they have simply slapped modern templates over his early 20th C. characters. As Analee noted so aptly, Deja Thoris is (in the film) a badass soldier/scientist/leader who retains the original (book) character's damsel-in-distress,…
Telemetric Robot Operation [for] Navy
So badass that I am wondering if that is Bale in reals or Bale as a plastic action figure (I mean, the mouth and all don't too human).
It's not the HFCS that is evil, it is the excessive use of it in our foods becuase it is so very cheap.
Actually, these are the [slightly modified] instructions from a can of Fix-a-Flat.
Body Spackle (tm)
Ah, then he isn't grinning AT his pain, he's grinning WITH his pain. I get it now.
The problem with this concept is illustrated in the expression of the indivudal on the left holding the Braun weapon. Such glee should not be the result inflicting agony on a fellow human being (unless, of course, you are having A LOT of fun electrocuting people).
Bragging or complaining?
Every few years, some paleontologist will "reveal" that a favorite dino was, in fact, a scavenger and not a predator.