"I'm going to cut across the axis and try to draw their fire!"
"I'm going to cut across the axis and try to draw their fire!"
a 10mm [modern] flea would be a centimeter long. That is one huge flea. My own experience is with the variety that is one or two millimeters, max. I checked online and found a claim of "2.5 mm" for one goliath flea. But a full centimeter?
Diet and exercise, or the lack thereof. I suspect Eastern Coyotes are effete couch-potato types with wispy beards and a fondness for Starbucks.
Personally, I think "sentience" is a state that must be proven for all beings, and further, I believe that most human individuals and all human aggregates would fail in any test of that proof.
Norman, is that you?
Let's send ....
You are correct. Didn't Quantum Leap as often as I might have. Thank you for the correction.
You may survive, but other than T'Paul's rack, it is a completely forgettable exercise in Bacculizing the Star Trek universe. I half expected Captain Sam to moan "Oh, my."
You watcha you mouth, monkeyboy.
Older reference, but still kind of weird ... Larry Niven's Pierson's Puppeteers were a three "sex" species, a male, a female and a host that did not survive the birthing process. Their sex was described as "like digger wasps" with the male and female impregnating the host, who becomes food for the developing offspring.
Logic is a field of pretty flowers that smell bad.
Personally, I think for (7), we need to call scientific theories "Cumberbatches" because it is fun to say and would make anyone who speaks against it look silly.
Norman, coordinate!
I have a buddy named Chris Gooby who goes by "The Goob." He gets this kind of shinola all the time.
A bit more Eastwood than Bale, I think.
Physical violence is inexcusable. I would think a sharp reprimand and a timeout would teach you to be more prompt in the future.