My point. It's either a disturbingly real artifact, or a disturbingly plastic person. The operative word is "disturbingly."
My point. It's either a disturbingly real artifact, or a disturbingly plastic person. The operative word is "disturbingly."
You do know that octopuses are intelligent, yes? Nothing personal, but I prefer to eat non-sentients. Just a karma thing.
This is an artifact, right? I mean, pure CGI and no real person behind it, correct?
Of course it is the illusion of simultaneity. Duh. But isn't the question stimulating?
Nice piece, Jesus!
Precisely the advantage of scale armor over a cuirass of plate, though the flexibility comes at the cost of weak joints. Speaking of weak joints ...
Oh, I agree, never fear. It's just the "discovering" of old technology that I find a bit ludicrous.
Ditto that. Of course, there were a lot of poor in Rome, at the time.
So, modern science rediscovers another Roman technology and attributes it to fish? Man, they should have gone to the Pensic Wars last year.
Good stuff, oldwookiee, however, you should not snark on people's spelling of the names in pre-literate religions. For all you know, it could have been spelled "throatwarblermangrove" and PRONOUNCED as Esus.
Agreed. Story looks fine, but the art ... yeesh. Except for the proportions and perspective, the actual drawings look like doodles from a bored schoolkid.
Dr. Zinn would be impressed. Check out 1:50 on.
What about Club Hel in Matrix II? The Merovingian seemed like an amusing host, and he would give you a Good Time for free, from time to time.
Oh, so it's okay to stereotype SOUTHERN Blacks, as long as everyone lays off Blacks in the North? But that's not to say you aren't correct.
Wow, Snow White and the Huntsman, featuring Kristen Stewart in full open-mouthed blandness.
Even the "can't act his way out of a paper bag" thing?
Beat me to it.
Agreed! Spidey's banter always seemed more for his own benefit than, you know, conversational. Here, he's just being obnoxious with the carjacker, instead of amusing himself with his prey.
Looks like they recycled the Ben Grimm headpiece from Fantastic4 ... didn't the Lizard have, like, scutes and ridges?
Saw it yesterday. Pretty good, but full of unrealized potential with a large plot hole (almost literally) left to make a sequel.