Pop rivets are not "hand riviting", just saying.
Just remember to change the straw regularly; those brain hampsters can be filthy little beasts. My own are, anyway.
Potayto potahto. But I agree with both your assessment of meatthinkers and your more specific delineation of the hazards of chiplants (to coin a term).
Personally, I think I can wait a very very long time before I put a device like that in my brain. Until I have a computer that never crashes, the idea of having a chip in my head creeps me the heck out.
4) "He Walked Among Us", Star Trek TOS:
My pet fish Eric could do a better job than the TV series, and he's been fertilyzing the garden for five years.
I agree completely. He took one of the cooler shows of my childhood (and one that died an untimely, unfair, and totally cruel death) and then crapped all over it.
Re: robocop reboot
Hence the increasing use of inflated titles for crap jobs, such as "Sanitation Engineer" for a garbage man, "security consultant" for a rentacop, or "Flight Attendendant" for a stewardess ... but unfortunately, the transparent puffery of such inflation fools no one, so they still act like tin gods when they get an…
I could make the magic "Sarcasm" sign (you know, the air-quotes and rolled eyes), but by quoting Piotr Rasputin's Russian for Dummies above ("Nyet"), I thought I was giving a broad hint I was not serious.
Oh, and phooey on Disney.
This is one researcher's opinion.
It's called "humor."
With apologies to JohnBoy and Billy:
Yes, but with no concept of evolutionary diversity, the motto would be somewhat different:
Is that Tim Curry in his other great role?
Aw gee, and here I thought death was gonna be all Patrick Swayze/Demi Moore and 50s Motown.
Frackin redonkulous, what some peeps do to the language. I mean, here we are with ginormous vocab, and all we can do is, like, play with it? Who do we think we are, anyway, effing Shakespeare?