
Ah, yes, but which is the poisoned blade?

What you saw was not a UFO. It was swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.

Hey, cut the Kirkster some slack, Annalee! Spartacus was a gladiator (as was Russell Crowe's Maximus, for what it's worth), and therefore not a warrior, so much as a showman-with-blood entertainer. Those gladiator half-armor things were designed to leave "wound-able" areas exposed to thrill the spectators with spurts

Actually, there's only one reboot I have any interest in seeing.

Please, at least credit the phrase "the speed of smell" to its coiner ... Ron White, describing a flight from Denver in a puddle jumper with engine problems.

I wish they had tried to emulate some of the animation from the original show, "creaky" though it undoubtedly was. This is just disappointing. Looks like Schoolhouse Rock level of art, frankly.

Benezekiel Wigglesbatch?

"I'm not suggesting that there was ever a time when the practice of magic was celebrated by those in power."

I think he was being verra keerfle with his precious. If it had a 28 mph top speed, it would never have been deemed "roadworthy," as I am relatively certain the new ones were.

Obviously a concept that will never work in reality. Porous material on the hull? How to wreck that? Hmmm. Oil spill? Sugar? Algae? The possibilities are endless.

thanks, all! Good info. Unfortunately we had torrential rains last night here in Coastal Jawjuh, so perhaps I'll catch a bit tonight. Gonna head to Tybee in the wee smalls to try for a glimpse. Worse to worst, I get to snuggle on the beach with my honey in the moonlight.

The Space Scotland (Doohan VI) sounds a little like Cordwainer Smith's Norstrilia, what with the boneless sheep and all.

Best time for viewing? Please? Thank you.

I'm getting sick and tired.


Flockers, actually. Someday, you might like to meet the Flockers.

Naw, that's Jezebel.

Two dimentional thinking. Take that, Khan!

But how would they get the Nazis to wash their boats just before releasing the Pigeonizer MkIV?