
Yeah, Vincent had to fund his world-class wines habit somehow. I wonder, though, what was Michael Cane's excuse?

Bravo, both The Ancient and Dirk. The driving force behind evolution is a threat to the survival of the species as it is presently constituted. Other than ourselves, there is no threat to the species survival of homo saps that is not a threat to the entire planet (and there is no way to evolve a solution to asteroid

When I was a little flake, I reacted well to magnets.

You should have mentioned that Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius (who has a horror of guns that go "boom") uses an air-pistol that fires 1 mm needles dipped in a variety of poisons and halucinogens. Pretty cool.

Take a pill.

Cholera comes from ingesting untreated human waste, not just "drinking."

True, and Cholera has been a disease for a long time.

Just ask Witchiepoo.


Well, I see your spoiled fanny and raise you a wicked tough.

You left out a "non-"

@Priest: Sooooo?

Why does that green man look so worried all the time? He has a MAGIC RING and is in OUTER SPACE meeting FRIENDLY ALIENS and having GREAT ADVENTURES.

I thought Vin WAS a robot. You mean he isn't?

Sicne we recently had Stormbringer, Elric of Melnibone' was a user of some pretty powerful chemistry.

Because it is Holywood and like dogs and their scat, they are always trying to "second meal" their old piles of stuff.

So they are making Planet of the Apes more science-y by going back to the Dark Ages? Acquired traits are not Not NOT inheritable, idiots. Just because I have a tattoo of a petunia on my bum doesn't mean my progies do.

Not a comment on Wertham, specifically, just on the society of the 1950s generally. As an Old Wookie, you should remember those days at least as well as I.

This is a surprise?