
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way

My experience in Life, the game:
* Levels 1 through 18: Irrelevant, crappy tutorials that teach you nothing about the game.
* Levels 19 through 28: Tutorials for the real game of life, intermixed with the real game levels themselves.
* Levels 29 and up: You've finished the tutorials, but you've also finished the main

Poor graphics, but its all about the gameplay. Awesome story 5/5.

I feel like the parents should have taught the kid, at least in some form that rape is a terrible thing that you should never do, ever. Same with incest.

It's a little sad, how some parents raise their kids to believe the luddite fears that have been passed down for generations. For example, there's no evidence that screens damage your eyes, although they do cause fatigue over prolonged use (just like using any muscle strenuously for a long time will tire it out).

This is the way I see it. We live in a time where "magic" doesn't exist, people aren't fooled so easily, everything is fake and everything has been done before. *yawn* Right?

Telltale games are more serious?

Majora's Mask!

Stephen Totilo, you know that you can take a snap shot of what on the Vta screen using a Vita itself? So you don't need to use a phone to get a semi-decent quality picture and can in fact get an nice picture from the game itself? If you push the PS button and the Start button at the same time, the screen should do a

I didn't choose to be born with darker skin and hair than most Americans. I also didn't choose for a bunch of assholes, also with darker skin and hair than most Americans, to wreck some planes into buildings in New York City.

she didn't go to a comedy club though.

Also, if someone dresses like a woman, presents as a woman, behaves like a woman and wants to be addressed as a woman, what is the benefit of addressing them based on their biological sex? What information does that give you? Unless you're trying to get in their pants, it really shouldn't matter at all.

Maybe if people had read to the part in the article where I specifically said how good the game was, people wouldn't have sent them.


In addition to Bakemonogatari (and the rest of the monogatari series), I would suggest Mirai Nikki (The Future Diary)—the story of 12 people with diaries that can tell different aspects of the future. The last one of them alive becomes god.