
Someone posted an article about a person you don’t like even though it’s more of a lesson to not pre-order stuff, must be clickbait.

This was really shown with Golden Freeza, who was much stronger on a power level perspective, but didn’t bother to get used to his new form and had to rely on a cheap trick to win temporarily.

Yes he did, but he didn’t write it, or direct it, he basically was just there as a formality.

I count purple not-Piccolo from the other universe. I think his name was Hit?

Yes because we totally love that consistency of everyone gets their ass kicked until Goku shows up. Remember the one time they made Gohan the one to actually defeat the main villain? That was pretty nice, could have gone on and kept Gohan as the main character with Goku popping in for support by talking through King

What about Kill la Kill, which was extremely fanservice heavy, but also had likable characters with personality as well as subtext behind everything representing the trials of a girl growing up and was just good, crazy fun?

To completely flip this, does anyone else really like the ambiance of the nightmare? Just the feel of the place with that music is great, but also little tidbits around the zone. My favorite thing was finding a carriage with papers strewn along a path to a house, all the papers were readable and just repeated the same

To be fair, Xavius was trying to do his best Arthas impression by showing up all over the place but not bothering to finish you off. He kind of deserves the sass, especially since his only response to it is essentially “S-shut up!”

Hell what’s worse about Diana’s comment is that she’s referring to Cenarius succumbing to the Nightmare and vanishing in the scene shown in the article, which isn’t him dying at all, but apparently reading is hard or things vanishing has become death in the eyes of people who watch the corpses of enemies despawn after

They would essentially live forever unless killed and don’t show any aging. I have a hard time thinking of them as old in the first place, except for Malygos with that righteous beard and his old man crazyness after losing so much to Deathwing.

Or, considering the whispers of Il’gynoth inside of the Emerald Nightmare, DURING Legion. In fact, notice a distinct pattern concerning the Old Gods in that we directly fine one (technically) in every other entry. Vanilla = C’thun, none in TBC, Wrath = Yogg, none directly in Cata just a bunch of servants, Y’sharaaj =

Sure it does, considering the wild gods have died on several occasions and come back to life after resting in the dream. Even Malorne comes back at the end of the druid campaign. If she’s in the dream, the chance is still there, but only the writers can say for sure.

It was true, Smith wrote, that “[p]rimary voters chose not to believe us, or to care.”

See, what I find funny is that these types of people think that they win these, because others have backed down. The problem is that everyone that backs down is just going off of the common sense that there’s no point fighting a useless fight, it’s just a waste of time. It’s like trying to punch down a brick wall,

I agree yet disagree. I do agree they are not the same. I disagree that Clinton is a “fundamentally qualified” woman whose problems can be swept under the rug as “typically flawed”. Basically, the difference between the two is that I don’t worry about Hillary starting a war with a country because she couldn’t shut the

This. I’ve played MMO’s, mobas, etc. for years, and as I’m usually one of the people who either lead or help lead a group, I always keep myself as the “open playstyle” and fill in for what we need. I like the people I play with, I’m not going to be a shitface and say “No don’t play what you like to play, go play this

So you’re scared of clowns but you’ll talk about reports made by Fox, aka the biggest clowns in news. Now that’s funny.

I’ve seen cosplayer swords made out of cardboard that look better than that. I don’t even like Bleach but think that’s just pathetic.

That’s not even the point either. It’s not that plenty of people went out against Hyuga, it’s that it’s been a problem for a long time, and then when someone brought it up, the topic was shoo’d away, where as this came up and for some reason people were more empathetic with it. It’s an actual double standard that

That’s not the point. The point was that it’s not being talked about, at all, it’s being ignored and claimed as not important, not about Smash, etc. It’s not that nothing else can be discussed, it’s that this isn’t getting discussed, it’s being told to fuck off.