Never ever would have expected Katamari to be turned into an incremental/clicker type game. But, I guess it makes sense...
Never ever would have expected Katamari to be turned into an incremental/clicker type game. But, I guess it makes sense...
I don’t see why they wouldn’t/shouldn’t shut it down, if it directly competes with an actual product they have out (even if it can’t handle the full extent of what their game does). “But it’s on PC” isn’t a valid defense.
Retail sucks is all I’m saying.
Perhaps it was a scam run by a customer service employee and a ‘customer.’
sending text characters for $5 versus multiple GIGABYTE allotment of data in a data plan? Yeah, you might want to get a dictionary if you’re confused on the meaning of ‘overpriced.’
sent to draaaaaaaain
The whole point I was making though is you’re a bit screwed if you pour your life into a risky field and then realize you’re not good enough to get to the top. That’s not exclusive to gaming. And rebuilding from that point forward isn’t as easy as you’re making it out to be as it’s not like things are easy without…
Not if they didn’t win enough. It’s not like everyone gets rich doing that.
It’s similar to how some bands record albums on tape and disown protools.
Hell, this is true for a lot of people who aren’t even in e-sports.
I think it’s a little lame that license owners of yesterday aren’t thrown a bone or, as you said, at least a discount. I understand it costs money to update these games even if there’s no changes being made—just adapting them for new systems is likely costly—but it doesn’t mean I want to buy a game 5 times, no matter…
art style goes a long way if that’s what you’re looking for in a game, though. Everyone is different.
I don’t think $100 is bad, but I’m not convinced they have enouhg of a selection for it to be worth it.......yet. But taking that out of the equation it’s a reasonable price for the technology used.
All due respect, it’s not Sony’s job to be mindful of your budgeting a portion of your money to their competitor. That’s your choice. You ultimately paid double for gaming to begin with as you can’t really use two consoles at once. So naturally things are going to be more expensive.
She’s amazing. What was this article about again?