
That is a wonderful idea TBH. While I’m not wild about that service it’s a good ‘take it or leave it, better than nothing’ solution.

So you don’t think our digital PS Classics titles will even work?

People actually care if they’re sponsored? C’mon. It’s a skit on a comedy show.



Ever think that maybe......maybe other people do?

You’re referring to an ultra niche sector of gaming.

Glad someone said it. I was looking for a non-abrasive way to say “you’re a fucking moron” and the word ‘ignorant’ somehow escaped me.


This is great.

They are.

or they didn’t want to blow their load early.

Nothing says pure sport like rocket-powered cars driving on walls & playing soccer.

My ‘defending theft’ doesn’t make your logic any less flawed.

Side note...I am not as entitled as I might sound and I have as big of a problem with entitled gamers as I assume you do, based on your other comments. I just think there are bigger fish to try than low effort DLC cash grabs.

Works fine when a large percentage of people are buying it. If it’s good content, people will pay. Not all will, but it’s always been like that.

Meh. Logic flaw is still the same. “You stole DLC so that’s why they have to make micro transactions.”

What you’re saying doesn’t even make sense. They don’t magically make money off of someone unlocking items the normal way so they’re not going to make any less if someone uses a trainer.

but but but that’s not fair! You cheating in your single player game clearly affects my single player gameplay! MONSTER

I stopped reading at “it’s not competitive, it’s Player vs. AI.”