
Guess that’s not the droid we’re looking for.

Someone had to beat it in order to upload it, right? So he was second to beat it...11,000 tries later. nuts

I’ll buy it just to support... but the cosmetic changes do nothing for me. add an option to omit certain courses from your matchmaking search. problem solved.

Straight to the top with this, though.

Everyone loses in that pile of hot garbage.

Needs more Mario and/or Charmander

10/10 would buy, though

“Should” is not how things actually work, though.

I agree. If I created something I’d want my great-grandchildren to benefit rather than some shmuck I didn’t know.

I...just want a F-Zero game.. I don’t care what the suffix is

“Pokemon Trainer nearby” will be a fun mystery, whether you get to battle or get mugged for your smartphone.

Then buy that and quit bitching.

I’m 27 and roll my eyes when grown adults get excited over snow (that, like I said, we’re all used to) here. I mean, If you’re so excited, you won’t mind cleaning off my car, right? lol

This one wins for me

No idea personally. I was just quoting the article. But I doubt the average gamestop clerk has any idea what he’s talking about half the time (nor do the customers). (Hey, nor do I!) I just know they’re a crap store.

Funny video. Gotta be a shock to deal with if you’re not used to it. I live in Massachusetts and we’re pretty used to snow. We got hit with storm after storm after storm this winter.. and last year, too, IIRC.

“Instead of just telling me they couldn’t do it, they said it was laser burn, that it could not be fixed, and then suggested that I trade the game in, get a $30 credit, and then pay almost $40 (including tax) more for a new copy of the game.”

That video brings back bad memories of driving without snow tires this past winter. lol
