
Think this article suffers from “it’s better because it’s from Japan” syndrome.

So you thought it was OK to steal from them just because they made the choice not to ship to your country? And you couldn’t respect their choice? Entitled brat.

Normally I’d accept this point of view as a portion of my own as I do think there’s an entitlement problem in the world, but it’s not quite that simple. No one is claiming to be a freedom fighter, but I do care about where my money goes at the end of the day. Doesn’t mean it’s going to make a difference, but it makes

He was eleven, moron.

Bunch of monsters. Sorry to hear this.

Haha, boy scout. Who will save the struggling movie companies?

Was excited ot finally try it when it was on sale (a couple months ago) as I somehow hadn’t heard about it, and I have to say I’m relieved I didn’t pay full price for it (or whatever ‘release price’ was for it back when it came out.) It didn’t feel like a standalone game. Felt... empty. Didn’t know what the point of

Or people whining about it could man up and install their own.

.....lower costs equals lower price tag for consumers, derp

They probably want to make more billions of dollars first, because businessing and stuff

To give you something to complain about

I loved this game, I really did, but news of yet another re-release for PS4 (can’t speak for XB1 owners have it, but PS4’s overrun with rereleases) is disappointing.

While it was a bit racist, all I can think of is Val Venis and Wally Yamaguchi


Er... the entire point of a speed run is timing. That’s the single most important part whether it’s 47 minutes or 3 hours.

Meh. Neither funny, entertaining, witty, nor creative.

Yeah, I’m not a fan of it myself. Then again, I haven’t forced myself to ‘get used to it.’

He never made an ‘argument,’ he stated a preference. Nothing wrong with that.

Wrong, the worst possible point to stop a ride would be “after you die.”

I gave up after nearly 4 minutes. Just can’t do it. Surprised I could get through that much.