

Hope you're joking.

Will the NX put out?

This looks like the best Sandler flick in a very long time, IMO.

The fact that this game exists is why we can't have nice things. The privilege of technology of computers and internet has been grossly abused.

Stop watching a shit wrestling company.

Here's a solution to life: view everything in black and white. Remember, there's no grey.

Welll... I use Netflix, Amazon Prime, and I still pirate stuff, because Netflix just doesn't have everything. However, if they did, they'd be a superi- good god he is right!

I am pleased with this post.


It's a f'n theme park management game, not Skyrim.

I hiiiiiighly doubt the loot cave is lesser than 'playing the game' for drops math-wise, because I was getting tons of stuff I wasn't getting elsewhere. Otherwise why would I have done it?

The most fun I had in Destiny was in that loot cave, so regardless of what they 'intended' for gameplay, they clearly fell short, because the game is dull and soulless.

looks blue to me. hurhurhurhur

I was just thinking that the AI is pretty damn impressive. I mean it's not perfect, but for a video game? Holy crap.

C'mon, it was a joke. I laughed

Little do you know...It's worse:

Looking at the graphics/characters gave me diabetes just now.

I couldn't get through it, the game was so tedious and repetitive. I couldn't imagine playing it on NES without the newer features added to make the game feel less like torture.
