
"Woo, you sure showed us. BTW, here's your C&D."

"In the pink, two, and in the stink, one, you must, mmmm?"

Great now I have no idea whether those army dudes are wielding guns or giant dildos. Someone direct me to the dildo combat titles, please.

Wow, THAT's who Peter Molyneux is?

This came up in my Facebook news feed and I got excited for a second. Then realized it had nothing to do with Power Rangers and I am sad now.

Here are your options as a potential Evolve player. You can…

Baby I'd bully a city-state for you.

"your retarded"


I have to say, I agree with this and it's an unfortunate byproduct of the internet. Any idiot will see this and get an idea, because "trolling" is good for a laugh with no consequences, or so they'll think.

Alright, you've earned one.

This was not a good comment and I award you no stars

What rumor? It's been confirmed countless times


It's also important to note that this is intended for new/live TV as opposed to Netflix's DVD-archive setup. It's competition for Hulu & another nail in the Cable TV coffin basically. Personally I dislike Hulu so that's why I'm happy to hear about it.

None of these services are perfect though and it all comes down to who they get for the licensing deals. The point is, this "pick and choose" freedom is the future of media broadcasting/distribution, just as we've seen iTunes change the music game.

All fair points.

There's market for Hulu, there's market for Netflix, there's market for HBO Go, there's market for Amazon Prime... Shall I continue?

There's a difference between buzzwords and terminology. The wording used here accurately describes the service being offered and, ya know, explains it so people know what the hell it is. Me thinks you are complaining just to complain, especially considering there is no pricing info available yet.

Aw... Jason.