"Hold X to pay respect" reeks of "how many respects for this cancer patient? 1 like = 1 respect, 1 share, 3 respects" garbage
"Hold X to pay respect" reeks of "how many respects for this cancer patient? 1 like = 1 respect, 1 share, 3 respects" garbage
Your kind is not wanted here.
Bieber vs just about anyone would probably be the biggest draw of all time. (Box office, not result)
The "entitled bitch" has a valid complaint as a paying consumer.
[Stick of Truth reference or joke here]
Good comment. You get it
60gb isn't that much. It's not unexpected that games will be getting bigger, as it is. Everything else is.
It's a new game and people are searching for info. Kotaku gettin' that clickbait. How is this hard to understand? Every time a new game comes out, everyone complains "kotaku is really pushing _____." It's standard practice.
Not as tired as I am of idiots whining nonstop about it.
Went to buy it but....not eligible for Prime. NO SALE
"I'm to young to die"
$16 for a year is more than fair. Damn. Now if only you could download the game or download a 95% cached version of it. Not too keen on streaming. Then again, maybe it never comes to the US anyway.
Did you ever think that it's because a LOT of people are searching for info about the game? Maaaaybe it's smart to write about something trendy if you want traffic? Start your own news website and get back to us when it fails, ok?
Damn them for pointing a gun to your head and making you read it! Kotaku is the only gaming site on the internet, don't you forget it!
That's a Rock Band controller. There IS a difference.
(Not that some of these aren't also no-brainers... :) )
Probably because it's a no-brainer, and also because it's only applicable to outdoor exercise.
That seems extremely reasonable...and unreasonable for anyone to think they should replace 3rd party ram. That's like trying to get Nintendo/Microsoft etc to replace your Mad Catz controller.