
Now there will finally be room for all of the non-removable space-wasting apps in my Utilities folder!

But it's not as good as Compass. That's the BEST space-waster on the phone.

Yipee! Another useless-space-wasting-non-removable Apple app! It's almost as awesome as Newsstand! And Stocks!

It really irks me how hard the iPhone 4 users get shit on in terms of Maps. We get features taken away from us, and we don't get ANYTHING new. I wish they had deemed the iPhone 4 wholly unworthy of Apple's Maps in general. That would've been FAR better.

First of all, Giz is usually insanely biased in FAVOUR of Apple. If you can't see that, you are an even bigger sycophant than they are.

Funny, that's how I see you. I can't believe you're actually denying that Android is taking Apple's market share. It's been well-documented since 2010.

You think iPhone losing market share to Android is "very far from reality"? LOL.

Android sales are growing, too. My point still stands.

The original ad is the typical Samsung garbage that they tend to spew out, but these retaliations are even worse.

Oh my god... I know that people are going to buy the iPhone. I am not trying to say that nobody's going to buy it. Just that I happen to know quite a few people who currently have iPhones that aren't going to buy the latest one, or have expressed a specific desire to switch to Android (or already have).

I'm not saying people won't buy it. People are mindless zombies for Apple products. Check out the Jimmy Kimmel segment where they took a 4S to the streets and told people it was the new iPhone, and even people who already have a 4S said stuff like "oh yeah the screen is definitely bigger... It's way faster than

Yeah seriously... They did a thing on Jimmy Kimmel where they showed people a 4S and told them it was a 5 and they all said "Oh it definitely looks longer... Yeah, it's way faster..."

What about all of your music that you've bought from iTunes and converting the file types and such? There's more to it than that I'm afraid.

How about switching from iOS 5 to Android 4.1?

No, by that point it will be iPhone X.. 10.1... 10.2... 10.3...

Yeah I agree... If they had made some way to pair the Nano to your iPhone, it could fit in so many more peoples' lives. Honestly all the trendy little girls who have iPhones now would be torturing their parents endlessly until they get their pink nano accessory for it.

I still don't see WP8 as a viable solution, personally... It's just lacking a lot of things, and the developer community has yet to really thrive.

Better wait till an 8.0 handset comes out otherwise you'll be stuck with 7.5 forever. The current Lumias are not getting the 8.0 upgrade (nor is any other WP7 device).

I can't believe this is surprising to you. All these little adapters cost $30, they always have.

It's a great phone. But it's not better than the other phones out there, and that's sad to me.