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This might be a working link for the Monty Python video; the one in the article is blocked.

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Yeah, what a song. Works its magic most every time.

I will go back and forth myself on which of them was "better," but to say either of them is nowhere near the other isn't a view I can respect.

Count me in the (admittedly small) anti-Oscar camp. Those Royals never became what they should have been, they were less than the sum of their parts. More than that, though, I've seen a lot of Oscar, and he was boring as hell to watch. He had size on whoever was guarding him, and used to just back them down slow and

Beautiful, thank you for posting this. People nowadays seem to think Russell won 11 rings by being some sort of statesman or something. Unless you just want to write off the 60s as prehistory like Mikan, then he's the second best player of all time behind Jordan, and nobody talks about him like that anymore. It makes

I'm really developing a thing for Jarrett Jack. Lisa Salters asked him what made him turn things around, he says "Coach yelled at me."

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A little strained, maybe, but +1 because hooray Kurt Schwitters.


I think the omission of commas in the post is supposed to be a bit of wry slyness.

The movie industry generates billions of dollars. And when a star actor signs on to be a part of the motor generating that revenue, he isn't paid the same as a key grip. For the period that he is a star, he's paid millions. There are particular aspects of payment that professionals routinely receive, use of image in

"Bogus rules banning players from benefiting from their work..."

The team name, which unambiguously communicates racist hatred toward American Indians and reminds us of how content we are with our genocidal history, is a perfect representation of our nation's history, and therefore a perfect name for our capital city's team.

Where I come from, "kind" is a noun. As in, "Let's burn some of this kind." So, I had you all wrong on that one.

And in a counter-statement everybody was like, no shit, we thought we could wake up to media reports, make up our minds over English muffins, and execute him by afternoon.


Hey, cool, wow, you're a whiz, it's the same fucking one that Emma already had in the article.

Down at the Joburg police station, they're getting quite annoyed at the constant "boing...boing...boing" as the suspect paces around his holding cell.

Well, I hate to admit it, but as I do a little re-reading, your overall objection to my comment is pretty valid. I actually had to pull up the stupid report and read back through some of it, and I can see that it had fermented in my memory a little bit, with regard to the recommendations. It was more a matter of the