
Imagine walking into an open field of desert with small rocks, then you start to see shapes form, then these paper shelled walkers start forming out of the dirt and attacking you......

STAT | 9.9 billion yen – Amount Nintendo lost last quarter ($96 million) compared to a profit last year of 8.6 billion yen ($83.8 million); the company also saw 3DS sales drop to 820,000 units from 1.4 million last year in the same quarter.

I want a game where I play as a member of a race of bugmen.

He's said its years away but the plot holes are slowly being filled in and side characters being assassinated.

I need to fire that back up, last time I played, I made a combo that infinite stunned the first general.

Who is this?

You forget his long running series about a Starcraft battle where all the zerg units and buildings got turned into loli girls and skinny women?

Why can't Marvel and Disney make a movie about this? I have the book, its awesome, Cap's awesome, story's awesome.

I want to see that throne picture, with every Disney princess.

I've made this face.

Penny Arcade was genderbent because "why the fuck not" and because Erika Moen is their padawan.

This article shows me what is glorious about the modern internet age.

The women issue bears addressing as a major number of killers and victims in the french revolution were women.

I can't hear you over all this fun I'm having.

Now playing

Time change, genres change, financial models change.

Unions are only useful if they can get the companies to agree to their terms

In academic circles, this model of organization is called non-Fordism.

A good set of Morrowind mods can diversify the characters and offer up some interesting bits to expand some of the forgotten systems. Marksmanship was forgotten in the original release and some Bethesda patches, combined with Intelligensia's Marksman Mod and you will be golden.

Ron Sterling more important than 250 kidnapped schoolgirls and hundreds of thousands of malnourished and under educated american children.