you making this up or is Boston really good at keeping secrets?
Project shut down by blizzard, links to all stars instead.
Space Trader on android
know how a multi core CPU is more powerful than a CPU with a single core?
What he means is that we were all thinking of the same thing.
Why did they bring up penny arcade?
Consider how much movies gain by having background details that make it worthwhile, tiny elements that make it that much better.
CG attributes a cost to everything so those background elements are quite costly compared to being film live action. Especially when you can pay a bunch of extras at a cheap rate and set off…
What did the guy say was his favorite? I could not tell through his accent.
I think Europe protected us with that "no violence against children rule" because we would never be around a child like this while unarmed.
I'm 30 years old and I've never heard this joke before.
Oh God! Oh God! It wasn't me! It was whoever won the contest I'MJUSTACOMMENTATOR!
So you're implying she's got a little Master Chief on her groin, gotcha.