
Could I get a black and white picture of this boy with a handgun?

Does this mean the Bieber nation is going to go out and buy his Hair management sim?

Its like someone passed Kishimoto a bottle of that Gurren Lagann juice and pointed out how the One Piece guy worked himself into a hospital, and how its sometimes great to create something fun an ridiculous.

Ladies and gentlemen, we win this week.

Please let there be hours and hours of Cree Summer's voice.

Did he just abandon two other kids?

Why couldn't we have gotten acting like this in The Last Airbender? Greychalk would have made a much better General Xiao.

Thank you, Jon, for pointing out the footage did not match the games in question.

Heaven above, I wish more porn came like this instead of the exploitative wraiths we get now.

Bicycle, bed frame, kid's stuff, family heirlooms, photographs. I'm sure his elder child is terrified and incredibly depressed from all this.

What I mean is, is this scene in the actual game?

Is this in Fall of Cybertron?

I have a magical fairy in my heart that lets me enjoy stuff like this.

Can Cat5 power a raspberry pi?

I have been studying this but I'm curious what you people do to get power to the camera?

GTA:SA The chapter between LS and SF. I didn't mind the transition from SF to LV, but that first one, meh.

  • Homeworld

There's a young somali gentleman who's equally as handsome in Seattle, equally homeless, and quite crazy. Yet he's always well dressed. Sadly, he had a crush on a few of my female coworkers.

Its only wasteful if they fail, if they succeed, its money well spent and a purchase of one of the tiered rewards, a free copy of Berry Pickers.