Do not fight your opponent head on, attack them from the side where they are weak.
Do not fight your opponent head on, attack them from the side where they are weak.
Megaforce, an early attempt at a trans media property.
Females killing other females to secure a better chance of mating with a limited supply of males, checks out.
Exactly! That knife is small for a child, much less a grown man.
I can't be sure but I think the tomato and onion one would have been better if you had a real fucking knife!
Was that prepubescent camel toe?
That does bring up a point about the series, GTA's cities and Rockstar's tech have progressed to the point where multiplayer can be more about multiple players doing the exact same thing they did in single player.
Yes you can.
His clapping matches the Harlem Shake video quite well.
This feels like Gundam, except without all the flash, I like it.
Has there every been an open world game for PC or console that had a money sink for either levels or weapons that seemed fair and fun?
WTF!?!? He picked the small one up!?
Seriously, he was the fucking MAN IN THIS SCENE!
What was on the painting after Lisa left the phantoms?
Boo hoo hoo, Brian Jacques dies without getting the game empire his series deserved, neither did Octavia Butler, nor the author who wrote the Conan series. Life sucks and numerous artists died buried in the pain of life without being able to hear the joy their work that their pieces brought to the world.
That scene…
So kotaku kin who've played it, how many sci fi mods have you come up with?
I said the same thing about the XBOX 360 controller and currently hate it, but everyone seems to like it.
Okay, rather disturbed now about that scene......can I skip it in the game or sort of waffle my way through like in "No Russian" or am I stuck ......cutting the onions?