Just be glad it wasn't Morrwind's combat system.
Just be glad it wasn't Morrwind's combat system.
Rinoa's outfit actually works in real life. Leave the blue behind and use a thin coat with actual sleeves.
Of course, it helps that the woman I saw rocking this was from one of the native peoples and looked like Cher before all the surgery.
I'm picturing all the other Final Fantasy female characters watching this with buckets of pop corn and laughing. Even Yuffie didn't have to go through this.
There is also the fact that people who are good teammates make an effort to sit through losses and learn, thereby getting higher teamwork rating even though they lost, and getting more wins in the future.
Oh sweat heavens, everyone spamming their repair beams, trying to disarm the nuke/ion cannon beam before it triggered and wiped half your base out.
I'm pretty sure most of you heathens who haven't played it own a DSi or 3DS and can access the final levels, so you had better order it from as close to Rockstar's boosum as you can.
Okay, all is forgiven for the UPlay security breach. Just don't make them too asset heavy and make them XP compatable, please?
Just so I don't feel like an idiot, this isn't someone's hand out the window, its a camera mounted on the outside, correct?
I have no idea how this will play but I want it.
Please don't be like I am Alive. Please don't offer moral choices and then reveal they were fake and I'm just going to kill every enemy I see.
1 word
Anyone feel weird seeing really, REALLY old reruns of X-Play on there? I turned it on this morning and it was Morgan Webb's date with the ghost pirate from the Soul Caliber series.
I think he's done this joke before. That's looks like someone's whose practiced.
So, the main problem is that no one can play an awesome game or a shitty game?
Wasn't there an X-men comic where they tried to play flag football? I remember iceman and hawkeye being disqualified for being awesome.
What are the high level armors?