

At least this didn't cost us$20 million

More examples, more! MORE! MORE!

Sony really screwed up in its competition with the Wii and the 360, the PS3 was and is a better, more powerful system, but Sony made missteps in fielding the techonology and the services. They've learned, and they're hungry.

Its easier to improve upon screw ups than victories, and Sony's screw ups have a chance to

I suppose this should be counted as a blessing that the series did not get pimped out the same way Modern Warfare did.

I remember the shock I had when I realized at age 25 that I had watched the opening car chase at age 5 or 6. Those yellow cars.

L4D Borderlands Gauntlet, no complaints, only lust.

Isn't this from the (incredibly written and voice acted) Blue planet mod?

You can kind of cheat if you toss an emp grenade at the bot, the people it kills in the explosion don't count against you.

Anyone else singing the theme song to "The Ambiguously Gay Duo' in their head?

Wait, this actually looks good.

Squenix is the only ones that can get away with this pricing.

You build the combos, so you set everything to a pattern you can remember.

Now I want to play C&C Renegade.

If my son comes out much darker than me, like his grandfather and uncles, I will starve and emaciate myself so that when he's old enough for his first con, we will be the most incredible Afro Samurai duo. I'll get him a little skill with a afro wig glued on and a nerf sword.

Freespace vs Freelancer is like comparing Alfredo and marinara sauces, in the end they are different but both are delicious.

Art is hard.

I can't think of how you can criticize something without being condescending and combative. I've seen a lot of counter examples on Kotaku of people criticizing her pieces and they sound just as white and critical as she does.