
Is having them flash red and fade away really that taxing on the budget?

The sword is only as good as the man wielding it.

I did a non leathal run my first time in on the hardest difficulty, it kind of spoiled me to go back to killing everything.

Why did I read this link as Amanda Waller and wonder why no one had been shot as an example?

@Patricia Hernandez I understand the spirit of your peace but I feel a one time fee to access greenlight distributed about over the development process is not that hard to accomplish.

They choose the generic whtie guy from the most recent game that few of us have had a chance to murder?

Dude or Dudette has some rhythm.

I haven't beat the first one, I forgot how to play on week 3

I really want this but the problem would be building the healing system to the point where it doesn't feel like you're just flipping a switch and not overwhelming the player with triage options.

So you were trolling us since you've already played it before you got it on steam.

WTF did I just read?

Find weapon dealer, unlock weapons, get flamethrower, BURN.

This comes up every time there's an incident.

All I need to say

This story makes me want to play homeworld again.

They showed the base corset on a different model and another base corset they thought of using and I think this one just came out wrong. The model they show in the gallery, the tips are flaring in. Might just need some double sided tape.

Could we get a link to more pictures of that costume? That costume deserves respect.

The X-Com Let's play was very entertaining.

"Bioshock is very reminiscent of the fallout franchise, but put into a first person shooter mold & set underwater."

I was thinking Metal Slug toned down but made 3D