
It was voted crack pipe due to rust issues.  So, David probably has it.

You gotta leave room for the wheel wells.  It’s gonna be pretty tight in there.

It’s an obscure one. It’s The Dude’s Gran Torino. Not a custom. Greenlight actually makes that model just as you see it. 

It’s amazing how people who don’t work in supply logistics think they are Tim Cook all of a sudden, just because their mommy gave them a smartphone.

This is the way

Matt Novak doesn’t have $33 to his name but if he did, the only thing he’d donate to is Antifa.

I get that this site hates really rich people or whatever but you would think the guy stole $14 million from a coronavirus fund instead of donated $14 million the way this article is written.

What a shitty article. Your comparison has a huge flaw. Does the impact of his donation have the same impact as the compared average one? No! He gave several million dollars and that will surely help. Get off your high horse and quit trying to manufacture bad intentions from good ones.

So what? He’s under zero obligation to donate. They now have $14.5 MILLION more to help with research.

I’m guessing right before posting this you donated $1,000? I’m sure you anticipated the “how much did you donate” questions and prepared accordingly... right? I mean, you can’t knock only donating the equivalent of $33 and then only donate $33, so it must have been more than that to avoid being hypocritical... and

How much have you donated? 

Ok. But he still donated $14 million, which is no paltry sum. It may be self-serving, but it will help.

“Tech Billionaire only donates 14 million dollars for a cause I haven’t donated anything to.” - Gizmodo writer

I wonder how much Gizmodo and/or Matt Novak donated. I bet it’s $0.  The high horses around the G/O Media sites are looking pretty damn high lately, aren’t they?

Are you really denigrating a donation of $14 million to any effort?

Right? Shame on him for not giving all of his money! Insert eye roll here.

The average American household hasn’t donated $33 to help develop a coronavirus vaccine. I’d guess most haven’t donated at all. I haven’t. Have you?

You can’t say Grand, Grand is a registered trademark of FCA!

And yet lots of employers do credit checks on prospective hires. This is definitely a real thing.