
I just ordered some 4GB Pis, and was looking to get the parts for your article was interesting to me.

I just ordered some 4GB Pis, and was looking to get the parts for your article was interesting to me.

My blue tarp seems to be doing just fine.  I didn’t cut it though...I just measured, folded over and duct-taped.

My favorites:

I’m a fan of my family recipe.


I heard ‘apostate’ today on a story on NPR. While the context in which it was used was awful (gay couples in Utah being considered apostates by the LDS church), the word itself is cool and I wish it could be used more.

My final 4 is General Booty vs Lionel Pimpin, and Storm Duck vs Pope Thrower, with Lionel Pimpin taking it all.

I see Pope Thrower losing to Storm Duck, sadly.  Possibly even worse, Storm Duck falls to Lionel Pimpin in the final.

It’s gonna have to be some form of sexual assault...OG Law & Order is off the air except for reruns.  Guess Olivia gets to deal with this one.

There’s a local chain of restaurants which originated in NW Ohio that has served a bacon-and-mashed-potato pizza for years. Mashed potatoes, sour cream, chives, green onions, bacon, with an herb-buttered crust.

I make the ATK/CI Sunday Gravy recipe 2 or 3 times a year. It’s the one dish that is mine to make, and my gf doesn’t attempt to make it herself (not that I would mind if she did...she’s an unreal cook and ATK fan). I prepare for it like few other things in my life, shopping for it several days in advance, then reading

Not in my City.

That’s life!

We just reserved our table.

I drink milk with every meal I eat at home. Even pizza.

That sounds like a delicious burger to me.  Only the banana is questionable to me, but I’d try it.

It shoots through schools.

Years ago, my gf and I encountered someone on the highway in an Grand Marquis with stickers that read, “SPEEDING IS BREAKING THE LAW.” and, “CRIMINALS SPEED. ARE YOU A CRIMINAL?”

When I was a kid (I’m 43 now), my mom used to make waffles and served Chicken a la King on top.  Seemed weird to me, but my dad loved it and I grew to enjoy it as well.  I don’t think I’ve had that since 1983.

I can already see the Promaster wheel covers flying off...