
@-Hairball-: I dunno really, but it's certainly not that mix between an ice cream van and a low-budget daytime gameshow. That makes me want to go out and torture kittens. With toothpicks. And matches. And battery acid.

@FanBuoy: That she is. She does need a breast op and a full-body botoxing if she really wants to make it as a stripper though.

I'm clearly in the minotity, but I've just never understood the appeal of Mario. I find the character annoying in the extreme.

@BruzeWayne: You realise LA Noire is multiplat I hope.

What's E3?

@n00b_pwner: Just to confirm, rabid is correct in this. So no, unfortunately.

Looks very much like That Game Company are looking to expand their horizons and target the Wii next.

@JustAnotherFan: "I'm sad, confused and incapable of reading."

@Cloral: That only started late last year, but the "no demo" situation has been the default position since the release of the PS3.

@outlawauron: Personally, I don't agree that GTA4 was disappointing at all. Loved (and still love, was playing only last night) the game.

Army Of Two: The 40th Day Trailer - Worst Compression Ever

Why do game developers continue to make games where you watch all of the logo's, then get a screen that says "Press Start" or "Press Start to Play", only to press it and be confronted with a menu screen.

@BlueToas had an epiphany! (Feels used): Adv. 1. latterly - in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"

@Tom Clancy's Samuraidino: I'm not sure how you are singling out Sony here for praise, because excluding the MLB games which are released to conincide with the baseball season, the only top-selling Sony published PS3 titles they've ever released outside the "Fall" selling period are the original Motorstorm and more

There seems to be a bit of a run on games/DLC in the UK being charged £7.99 on PSN vs around £6.50 (800 points) on Live.

@Lla_Med_Redrum: Wasn't it recently re-released as part of the Platinum range?