I find it amusing that Sony are members, given that they do little to support the PC platform given their wide range of ip's.
I find it amusing that Sony are members, given that they do little to support the PC platform given their wide range of ip's.
With most retailers from Amazon to Play to HMV selling it around the £13-£16 range, I'd hoped that it would make an impact in the charts again.
@Foxstar Sixtail: You can't really compare the PS3 to a Saturn. The PS3 is basically a PC in a box, with a single core CPU from an Apple Mac, an off-the-shelf GPU from Nvidia and the same split-memory architecure for CPU/GPU that goes back to 3dfx days.
I used to read the Daily Mail.
@ReedF**kingRichards: Re: "Read into it."
@ReedF**kingRichards: "@Komrade Kayce: You essentially said that I'm a fanboy because I'm not looking forward to a 360 exclusive more than I'm looking forward to Resident Evil 5."
@ReedF**kingRichards: Maybe you'd have a point if RE4 hadn't sold more than KZ1, Uncharted 1 and SF3 all together... by a wide margin.
@Vecha: Yea, my bad ;)
@Mike Newlad: Because we take it up the arse all the time and still declare our undying love.
@ShadowOdin, representing the people of Malmö, Sweden: Lack of support? Sony released firmware updated for the PS3 an average of every 3 weeks from launch to the end of last year.
@ReedF**kingRichards: I know some people who WILL buy a system simply because "Sony made it".
@Rotmm: Just to add, Wiki has it at (estimated) 21,468,700 for 2008.
@DigitalHero: About 20 million.
@johnnywashngo: "Wow - some of those shots look like real, actual people !"
@Kuro: I'm sure it will arrive outside of Japan, but if past experience is anything to go by it'll be between 1 and 2 years later.
I agree with those who are pleased that LBP seems to have picked up pace again (though of course the price-cut will have had a lot to do with that).
@Caveat: I dunno. A better game that many give it credit for.
@CanaryWundaboy: Not quite anymore, exchange rate isn't what it used to me. It's closer to $450, which isn't that much more expensive that in the US.
@Midnightchronicles: Not sure about Portugal, but that rings true. In places like Spain, Poland, Czech Republic and France, the noun "Playstation" is to game consoles that "Coke" is to cola flavoured drinks.
Waiting for the announcement from Sony that they have sold 7,000,001 consoles in Europe.