
I can already see pro-life people attacking this ironically. First, they will say it is is just more ways to get an abortion. Then, they will say they shouldn't do this because HIV would kill all the godless heathen women that deserved to die because they weren't having sex for procreation.

Am I the only one who has a problem with the idea of laws tailored specifically to the needs of the wealthy and privileged ?

Oh for a "walk a mile in my shoes" curse . . .


What an entitled twit, haha.

Alright, entitled, middle-class white males, this lady is going to give you a lesson in terminology and reality.

How many full-chested women have you been around? Every. last. one. that I know (myself included) complains quite mightily. Center of gravity. It's a bitch.

Canada. universal health care, a stable REGULATED banking system, a tight knit gun control system.

Yes. Yes I am.

Loving the comments on here lambasting the mother for having her almost full grown son arrested for assaulting her. It's not that she can't control her child it's that he is an irrational fucktard (like many of you!) who assaulted his mother for unplugging his video game. Actually makes him sound a little unhinged and

Man, that person turned out to really show her face. You're spot on. There are a lot of white people who only give a shit about racism so they can get brownie points from other liberal whites. Rarely do they genuinely care about racial issues.

Maybe you should take a look into the press that came out after that song was released... I know it's hard to process but some artists don't write their own songs.

while I agree the NRA is way too extreme the fact remains that without them we'd be an unarmed population with no real means to keep the government at least remotely honest.

Here is the giant zeppelin I took down in Bioshock 2

I'm a phd candidate in the humanities. And I can tell you that you are dead wrong. Men in the humanities are virulently misogynistic. The fact that women take more humanities classes than men, or that there are more women getting degrees (including higher degrees) in the humanities means nothing. A student is not a

Same here. In fact, the worst "intellectual" males I have ever known are categorically not in the hard sciences. They are always in the humanities and when they were my colleagues, it was a living hell. I had more than a few debates with men who would tell me that I don't understand how hard it is to have the system

I think there's a difference between intellectual and "intellectual", if you see what I mean. I'm fortunate to have mostly awesome scientists in my social circles, about 50% male, and most are keenly awake of privilege, keep that in mind in hiring decisions and are totally fair people.

That's a really sweeping generalization.

You first, jackass.