
VAWA does not make something "more illegal"

"lso none of what you mention has any bearing on the wheels coming off the country. " Republicans have spent over 100 million fighting abortion,voting rights, gay issues lawsuits. They have spent more time trying to repeal the ACA than working on job bills

You are an idiot

Obama got more due to his opponent.

LMFAO, you think states don't use federal dollars to pay things?

God god you are an idiot.

A bunch of racist white people also disagree that they are racist.

Thre are no radicals on the left.

You are a dumbfuck

Kennedy didnt lower them like Reagan and Kennedy did not deregulate hundreds of things. Republcians are the sole cause of budget issues and this shutdown.

"I know. I'm sure all the foreign undergraduate and graduate foreign students that can't apply for a visa during a shutdown won't affect US universities income and budgets at all. As well as all the professors and business people here in the US that need to periodically renew their visa. Or business men and women that

"and the substantial lowering of capital gains taxes which made investment returns more profitable, so more people opted into the markets."

The reason for the shutdown is because republicans hate the majority of the nation

Until they need to go the DMV, get a passport, get permits, want to buy a device that needs FCC clearance, want their solders to get paid, pay their bills ( millions of people will not be getting paid) or hundreds of others things

Europe is not recovering from the recession in any meaninful way because of those "conservatives"

The only problem with this country is republicans.

"That is plain idiotic. In all reality, nothing happens when the government "shuts down" outside a bunch of whiny, good-for-nothings complaining about not getting their way" You are a complete idiot

The only leeches are Cooperations that you sick anti american republicans protect at ever turn.

I think that was her name! At least if i remember her quitting article correctly