
Fair enough

No idea. I saw it on tumblr

You do realize that these countries have different sects and each sect follows different beliefs......

You are islamaphobic

Yes Yes

You truly are a islamophobic troll

Do you question everything you were taught in school?

You are a natural American aren't you?

Why would I have had any reason to question what I was taught?

Please don't respond again. This is getting creepy

Why would I choose to though?

They are out in force tonight!

"Young girls who can't go to school"

I can not help what I was taught as a child

it is obvious that you are either crazy or high.

Holy crap you are ignorant.

Jewish law and Christian law countries are NO better.

Male opinions on women's issues are mostly worthless

So because they gave each other HIV others should suffer? |
Condoms in hour+ long sessions can cause damage.

What is it with trolly males and commenting on my name? \
How low of an intelligence does one have to have to have a problem with the name "rotatingorange"