God commanded rape numerous times
God commanded rape numerous times
God himself commanded mass murder, genocide, rape, and other horrible acts
This is utter bullshit
If you truly believe that then I have a bridge to sell you
17 notifications.....
I never said "you as a catholic"
Uh huh!
Oh look! You relate homosexuality to pedophilia and incest
Oh , you believe all of the books in the current bible were written right after death?
How so?
www. world history . com
You deny these facts?
You are nothing more than a bigot
Also, it is funny to see time and time again a small minded idiot bible thumper relate homosexuality to pedophilia.
"Yes, the Bible condemns homosexuality AND abortion"
The bible says nothing that would make homosexuality a sin
Oh lord.
The fact that you are a woman makes your comments even sadder.
"Women's ordination seriously has NOTHING to do with inequality and everything to do with the tradition that Christ Himself started when he ordained the first priests."
The church removed over 15 books from the bible