
They offered either a new seat or a refund.

OMG. Why is this the cutest little farting ram ever???

Ugh, Lindy ... this will never not be my jam.

Um 4000 miles from Manhattan but still in the US. I'm going to go with an occupied coral reef.

Ah, Ok. Do you live in the ocean?

Well, yes. The basis of the argument is that people choose to be gay. So, if gay marriage is illegal, more people will choose to be straight and have lots of babies.

37 inch waist = 12 to 14? That doesn't sound quite right. Maybe 37 hips? Maybe size 16 to 18?


And for those of you on a budget, face lift tape is only $20.

True story. I look way better naked when there's nothing pushing different pieces down or up.

My thoughts exactly. Everyone does it. No one cares so why should I?

I'm traveling abroad on my own this summer. I've decided to take a bikini. It's the first two piece I've had in 10 years. I'm so over covering my body because it doesn't look "right". So, fuck it. That's all.

Merkel does sort of have the EU by the balls. That's a big deal.

Merkel does sort of have the EU by the balls. That's a big deal.

I assume the security guards at the courthouse just didn't see...

My take away is that Allen West wants to prevent a group of people from peacefully assembling and associating. OK!

Caught brawling at Fatburger?? Haha. Please let me be famous so I can do it right.

From the strategic dating coach website:

In Chicago it's usually white kids from the suburbs who decide to pretend to be homeless because they don't want to work.

Just use the acetone that comes in a jar. Usually includes a scrubber. Fast and easy!