Immediately where my mind went.
Also from the 209: The New Christy Minstrels
God damn he’s hot!
Ummm, can we sub Scot Pollard in?
As long as this doesn’t interfere with the free wifi I get from the new arena, I don’t care.
Your comment just gave me flashbacks to Sacramento’s The Rage (next to the Mervyn’s on Arden Way). Did they go there on the off weekends?
Subscribed! Ive been looking for a new podcast to distract me (and limit my internet usage at work). Thanks!
You’re leaving out a crucial detail/endorsement. Is it Campbell’s or Progresso?
someone less lazy than I should make a twitter acct for Lou Gehrig and tell Schilling to quit using his name for a twitter handle.
“That’s adorable.” - Bill Belichick
Well damn. Apparently there *is* a scenario in which I regret being blocked by Mr Gehri...Mr Schilling. What a monumentally embarrassing fucking moron.
Good dog. And good Dad.
Clearly the correct course of action!
I got so excited I scared my dog. Now I feel bad. But only a little because that was amazing.
I dont really care about hockey. I clicked for the dog and I was not disappointed.
Good dog.
His face really should come with a trigger warning. I flinched a bit when that chin came scrolling up my monitor.
Headline made me laugh. Thank you!