
I was walking by the arena entrance area about an hour or so before the fight. I saw a dude slouched over on a bench, face in hands. His girlfriend stood there yelling at him, “I can see you drooling, motherfucker!! Dont tell me you’re not wasted!”

No worries. You had me doubting myself for a minute. Im a big Packers fan, but I had to google it to make sure i was correct before I replied to you 😂👍Jon Ryan is a really nice guy. Met him once at one of his wife’s shows. Great guy.

What are you talking about? Josh Bidwell had testicular cancer, not Jon Ryan. And Ryan was cut by Green Bay, it was not his choice.

Another unrelated note: Today’s Seahawks game is punter Jon Ryan’s 137th consecutive, a franchise record. (at least according to someone on Twitter, so I assume it is fact)

Says the person who is a fan of a fictional character named Thad. 😂

“I don’t know a single thing that happened there except for this...”

Schilling twitter-blocked me at some point overnight.

I think that photoshoot was in 2014

Tic Tacs wont save him. At this point he needs a Life Saver.

It’s worth noting the actress mentioned - Arianne Zucker - is basically a body double of Ivanka Trump. That’s what many people are saying at least.

Barbarella was my first thought as well.


Ugh. That face. Make it stop.

I gotta agree with Sam Foster’s comment. I associate huckster with carnies & encyclopedia salesmen. I dont remember ever hearing it used with any kind of racial undertones. Just skeevy “salesmen”.

His outfit totally threw me and for a split second made me doubt it was him.

Thanks, but I get mistaken for Terry Crews all the time.

He only punched me twice after this photo. Seems nice. (Jk. He’s a god damn disgrace)

Wasn't Mariah & her label a big part of the Payola scandal? If her early hits reflected that of a student's A+ report card, it was due to cheating the system. Also, if you want a great/hilarious take on the movie, check out the Podcast How Did This Get Made (Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael & Jason Mantzoukas).

Cruise was my first guess