
The partying is the thing that got me fired up the most. They had better find some actual stories of racial discrimination in the system BECAUSE IT DOES EXIST or this series is just going to reinforce some ugly, entrenched beliefs about poor people.

What purpose exactly is Jezebel trying to serve with this series? I’m honestly wondering. They fail to realize that the victims here aren’t the parents, have never been the parents. The victims are the children. And in every. single. story in this series the children have been properly served by protective services.

I feel as if almost all the parents in this series are trying to turn the tables on how this should work and put the burden of the relationship on the children instead of themselves. It’s the children who have to deal with their psychological or physical absence, their abuse, their lack of preparedness for their

Yea, these stories are incredibly one-sided. My grandparents had a foster (now adopted) son who was born addicted to drugs. His mother never made any real attempts to get clean, her residence was constantly full of lowlife scum, and she had about 10 different kids by 8 different guys- none of whom stayed in her or the

We all make jokes about growing up to be our parents, but it’s really true. For all the talk of people escaping the faults of their parents, most never will. There’s a reason other than genetics and poverty why crime, mental illness, abuse, neglect, etc run in families.

“On more than one occasion, his foster mother told me that he got depressed after visits and acted out by being disrespectful or breaking his possessions. Those were little signs, she told me, that “maybe the visits aren’t such a good idea.” I felt that if he were allowed to see me more often, then it would not be so

Welp, there goes my ability to ever trust a car that’s had serious body work done to it.

I take it and now I finally understand why I find myself fighting with Shore Crabs so often.

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

Yeah, if only we could go back to the good old days, when you were free to discipline anyone’s kid and everything was better except crime rates were way higher.

what the trump, he’s got an NRA hat, why didn’t he just shoot the damn bus and claim he was standing his ground?

I remember there used to be so many WW2 games because it was considered completely morally safe to kill Nazis; they were the ultimate evil and ultimate bad guys.

“Extinction Level Event” just means that we can expect quite a few species to go extinct as a direct result (maybe humans, maybe not) but not the entire world.

Also this is the first Earther article to be hit up by several of the Gizmodo Media Group climate know-nothing commenters. Congratulations are in order.

The earth will abide. Even if we do not.

We’ll be here longer than you will, fleshbags. —Plants 

This is all going back to what I said on the last post: this isn’t about the parents, it’s about the kids. Hire a housekeeper… for the kids.

Hire a housekeeper. I get it, you’re busy and you never learned how to clean a house. Everyone will also chime in to say your husband could do it and so on. Okay. Still, hire a housekeeper. Knowing CPS won’t get involved in your parental rights is a low standard to set for yourself.

I was hit with a belt maybe once or twice, but I was older. At two you barely really understand what’s wrong and right and you’re still trying to figure out where the line is. I’m kind of disturbed by her continual justification for her actions. Like I’m not sure why she feels she can be an advocate of any kind. Also,

“I was shocked and scared and I hit him. The next day he was removed and I was arrested. I was treated as a criminal. I wasn’t given a chance to explain myself.”