
You make a great point, but not all of us Mac users paid full price for our machines. Sometimes, our jobs provide them. While they work great for what we need them for, spending a few extra dollars on something like this is pretty worth it. But at the same time, if we can get discounted Macbooks from our jobs, could


I"m asking out of ignorance, but will rooting the phone not allow for that kind of manipulation? I've rooted my phone, but only so that I can overclock the CPU. Will rooting not allow this kind of thing?

Haha, shows how little I know about this whole thing. :/

Anyone else laugh (literally) out loud at the article picture? I guess it was the correlation between the snooty facial display of the stick man and the part of the UK. I men, obviously it was the point, but I still actually LOL'd.

Habeeb it!

I don't think Apple will end with OS X Lion. The following will be OS X Liger. It's magic.

My favorite line: "He is a guy who is aware of how we utilize technology..."

@NanorH: What? I don't remember that scene! I have both movies. Now I have to go back to my dvds and watch it...

@SirSpectre: I hope so! I have the original MotoDroid. I love the thing! I just recently got a software update like three days ago, too.

Anyone think the authorities will track down everyone? Anyone think the authorities will track ANYbody else after they realize it is a joke? I mean, I'm not justifying anyone's actions. Just polling.

I'm not foolish. I don't click on ads. Period. If I am interested in something, I go straight to the dealer/seller/website/store.

@technologiq: I kinda hope so. I liked it, really. It was something kinda fresh. But I also hope that maybe there is an option that allows switching between the two?

@FriarNurgle: Wait, that's all I need to do? Seems simple enough.

Holy crap! I live in the neighboring county! This is insane. That makes me so pissed. I mean, I can understand both sides of the situation, but when it comes down to it, if you have the resources available, why not help?

@mjknyc: I see what you did there.

Ok, first thing I noticed:

@Cyb3r_Punk: It just makes me want to bunch babies.