
He's from Virginia, went to college at UVA and was drafted by the Nationals. If he can get $100M *and* stay home, that's probably what made it work.

I totally understand rebounding out of the zone is tough. You're supposed to guard an area, but once the shot goes up there's no reason you can't try and find a guy to box out. That doesn't mean just box out an open area and let the other player run around you! How many times were Syracuse guys boxed out on the

I've been off the grid tonight, but I watched the game. My goodness. My junior year high school team won 4 games, and we might have beaten Syracuse tonight. Glad they won; they are tough down the stretch. At the same time, please please please for the love of GOD start rebounding the ball.

Completely at a loss. They cannot get out of their own way, and this is spiraling out of control. How many times this year have they been scored on first? It seems like they're always playing catch up. Yikes.

Haha, agreed. The outside shooting certainly leaves something to be desired. It is great to see the inside opening up though and they're moving the ball better when they do have half-court sets.

It's like all the sudden Syracuse is caring about rebounds. I've noticed the guards looking to grab some of the longer rebounds where they were not for the last several games. This is good.

Thanks, sorry for the late reply — got it on the DVR. Looking forward to checking it out this weekend!

Would starting at Season 3 mess up the understanding of the storyline? I had a friend who also suggested that show the other day.

I am soooo glad I didn't make that Fordney-McCumber joke I've been working on for the last few weeks.

I liked the draft idea at first a few years back, but as I got older (read: teenager, early 90s) I started to care less about the all-star game in general. And I have played/watched hockey my entire life. I just don't watch the all-star game any longer. I like the skills challenges but that's not enough to get me

There's some real anger Bruin under his skin.

Haha, thanks. Great to see Bavaro though, too!

I was a young'un back in 1991 when LT forced the fumble which led to the Giants going to the SB @ SF's expense. Hard to believe it's been 21 years — but my brother and two cousins got together for this one like we did when we were 12 and 13, and HOLY COW ANOTHER FUMBLE HELPS THE GIANTS WIN. Amazing.

Can I +1 this? Yes. +1.

You're probably thinking about the Boston Braves and the Brooklyn Dodgers.

I agree with you 100%. This is still a very good SU team, and we'll get to see them rebound tomorrow against Cincy.

Oof. That was ugly. I know SU masks rebounding issues by running, but I think they had single-digit rebounds for the whole game. Yikes. It is amazing to think that Fab Melo is *that* critical to the team's defense and start to transition. You can't outlet for a fast break if you can't get a defensive rebound.

I must have tuned in too late — it's Devo right now. I am a kid of the early 90's ... Nirvana is tops on my list.

I'm sorry. My thoughts are with you. My Dad passed away when I was four, and this past year his first grandson was born — named for him, like he did with me for his Dad. I'm sure your Mom would be proud to know her Granddaughter was here safe and sound. I'll certainly have a glass in your honor tonight.

Hey, I know it wasn't me, but a long time ago the helpful folks at Schneider's of Capitol Hill here in DC made that same suggestion to me. And goddamn if it wasn't right on.