Mass Effect 1's 'Reaper Vision' that Shepard has repeatedly clearly has some live action footage along with some keyframed concept art.
Ferengi are at least HONEST about the whole affair. And they finish DS9 by granting full rights to Women.
My ethics class for my business minor was a constant war between me and all the finance majors. (I was a film major.)
New Smaug has not been sufficiently gif'd.
Twitch uses the master ball on one of the legendary dogs.
Praise Helix
I love everything about this.
Is it? Bastion hands you weapons almost literally the same way Mass Effect 2 hands you teammates. And I can't think of a single weapon that feels the same compared to another one, since they have major differences in range, timing, and how they impact your movement.
Ah are you kidding! Every level giving you a new weapon gives you the opportunity to try out new weapon combinations that always change up your gameplay. And the three major enemy shifts from the first, second, and third parts of the game also demand you change combinations.
F2P Dark Souls?
Awesome short, is this Titanfall related?
The neighbor had the PS2. We had the N64.
There we go. good thing I never played it. >.>
Hey, I still have a Beast Machines Cheetor on my desk...
Image is broken. =(