
No. It's not her job for to make sure Mattingly doesn't talk about his genitals in a professional conversation. Any sexual harassment seminar worth its salt sets some basic lines people shouldn't cross, and the fact that we keep insisting she should have done something is a violation of that basic professional

You could be a sexless robot and you would still have zero credibility in saying this is being blown out of proportion.

Ah friggin crap. I'm really sorry that happened to you and I hate that what you experienced is as common as Rachel highlights. Hopefully articles like this in places like this are part of the many little beats that can change this.

But how is it not? How when 5 women go to HR and report a guy, and get him fired, and are banned from speaking about it ever again, is it not? How is it not when the #OneReasonWhy hashtag contains so many accounts of developer harassment? How is it not when right now I've got multiple industry contacts telling me

"People should be a little disturbed by the journalistic approach to the issue" I don't understand how you can't read that as "people should be disturbed by journalism"

How on earth is this dragging the issue out?

Revenge games? Seriously? This is sexual harassment dude. In other professions, you get fired for this and blacklisted from the industry. In school, you get suspended or expelled. The fact that she's afraid to use her real name shows how terrible our industry treats women who speak up against their harassers.

It says everything when it's not just Mercier, but the other women interviewed in this article who have dozens of stories of similar incidents, and some are forbidden to talk about it.

Oh my god this was wonderful.

Okay, watched it a few more times, and I see more similarities in just the general structure of the building.

It looks similar but not....the same? Like, 2 artists came up with generic sci fi buildings. The shadows and angles look super different on the two images.

How the hell is Fuck Yeah Dog Friend not in here.

I'd sing along with 'Fish in the Sea' every single time—easily my favorite Shanty of the game!

Why is this post written like a Buzzfeed article *twitches*

Since everybody dies at the end, I file it away under 'tragedy' which means whenever I read it I'm looking for the ways Shakespeare is trying to catapult everyone toward devastation. Now if they got MARRIED...

It's a story about how they're young idiots and some bloody adult should be taking responsibility for them, not about 'true love,' so it sort of doesn't count as much.

And then there's Gone Home, the stellar indie game this year that did more with less. It's a game that might be Game of the Year among people who agree that, sure, it is a game. But there's something about Gone Home that keeps bothering me. It's a well-told story that is unlocked through interaction. Is it, however, a

Jesus christ, watch this guy's channel. His vehicles don't obey the laws of physica. AT ALL.

EDIT Dammit Kinja's screwing up. Here's a photo of Santa

Does anyone else remember the show Recess from the 90's? There was an episode where the main characters tackled the "Believing in Santa" thing, and the one thing I remember from it was that at the end, the main character bumps into a guy heavily implied to be Santa. This is that guy: